It was decided to proceed with sailing this morning.
Volunteers were greeted with beautiful sunshine but only a slight S.E breeze.
Boats: 5 were rigged early & in the water & all gear was out by 9.10am.
Volunteers: Peter Ward (away in the mountains) & Caroline advised they had to cancel.
Warwick (SDC) held a briefing. Volunteers were given their jobs and also reminded about the Volunteers Dinner on Wed 29th May.
Sailors: Steve L. (Ralph Newman), Michael S. (Black Swan) sailed solo in the light breeze, Jeremy T. took our new volunteer Lena Ziegler in Woody before any participants arrived.
Thanks to Eli D. for coming down early to help with the gear, tea / coffee & walking into Manly to obtain the milk / biscuits, but then had to leave at 9.30am to look after Ivon & supervise his walk back to good health.
Wilma J. arrived a little late & took on her usual job of tea / coffee / register of clients.
Corey N. was on the radio & timekeeper.
James G. was skipper of C.C. & Ken B was his off sider / photographer.
Malcom B, was in charge of the Pontoon along with Peter B, Steve L. ,John P., Michael S. Brian S ., & David W.
Shane was first to arrive & immediately was taken sailing in Vin by Michael B.
Sunnyfield (4 participants) & one solo participant were contacted regarding sailing – unfortunately both then cancelled.
Northside Enterprise arrived with 4 participants & all went sailing. John P. took James in Eli D., Jennie F. took Tarak in Vin, John W. took Elese in Ralph Newman and Michael went sailing in Black Swan.
Denis L. was in Woody at the pontoon but didn’t sail as there was no further participants.
Then the RAIN came at 10.20am — volunteers & participants got drowned.
Unfortunately, Sailability was called of at 10.50am, boats were derigged & all gear away by 11.10am.
Many THANKS to all the volunteers that turn up in the sunshine but went off very wet, especially the sailors.