What a morning – no rain but unfortunately it was blowing a gale – above 25 knots – however it was posted on the web site that we were proceeding with the regatta.

A big THANKYOU to all skippers / crew & other volunteers who turned up this morning.

It was decided by all & then made official by Barry & Pam [official starters] that due to the high winds that the regatta was cancelled.

Official cancellation flag was raised on the flag pole.

Another BIG THANKYOU to Eli for making & also wrapping sandwiches & Shelley making & supplying the GREAT cheese / meat etc. on sticks.

All attendees sat on chairs, tea & coffee was then supplied & we all sat about, eating the sandwiches & cheese etc. on sticks, talking shop & how we would have sailed in the conditions.

The morning was then wrapped up by 10.00am.