It was a beautiful sunny morning with a slight breeze in Manly Cove. With 16 volunteers on deck, all the 5 boats were rigged and launched in plenty of time ready for the 27 participant sailors booked in for the day. Grace arrived early and enjoyed a long sail in Black Swan with Michael. Our new volunteers Petra and Lena went for a sail with John in the Ralph Newman and Steve in Eli D. Denis took Eli out for a sail before our groups arrived. Wilma did an efficient job on registration and tea preparation, Caroline organized lifejackets, assisted on the pontoon and the radio, Warwick shared the timekeeping and radio, Malcolm was Pontoon Manager, Eli, Petra and Lena helped on the pontoon, and David, Steve and Ken were on Charlie’s Chariot.
4 participants from Sunnyfield arrived and Rodney was first in the boat with Peter for a sail in Vin. Care Culture arrived with 11 participants and Aruna arrived with 3 sailors. All were happy to wait their turn for a sail with Care Culture enjoying morning tea on the deck. Zeb from Care Culture took a ride in Charlie’s Chariot and the others had a fun time out in the Hansa’s with our sailors Denis, Peter, Michael, John and Steve. Sydney Community Services participant sailors and Ben were all able to enjoy a sail as the light breeze held up.
After sailing David and his small crew of volunteers had the job of slipping Charlie’s Chariot for the yearly task of antifouling.