Volunteers had their work cut out today, with many of our regular attendees away, and a tricky westerly wind blowing directly onto the pontoon.

Eli was Sailing Day Co-ordinator and Clare managed the pontoon for the first time. Four boats were rigged and sailed by Denis, Sophie, David G and Ivan. Wilma managed registrations and made sure refreshments were flowing, while Ros dashed between lifejackets and helping out on the pontoon. We were very pleased to welcome a new volunteer, Skye, and to welcome back one of our Duke of Edinburgh participants from last summer, Isabella. Both helped on the pontoon, along with Jackie, getting participants safely in and out of boats, and managing docking with the difficult breeze. Jeremy skippered Charlie’s Chariot with support from Ken for part of the morning, and they were kept busy rescuing boats that got into difficulty with the wind blowing them back onto the pontoon.

We were kept busy with groups from Sunnyfield – William, Blaney, Donton and Douglas brought by Michelle and Wendy – and Sargood – Sam and Simon brought by Kylie. It was Simon’s first time sailing and he had quite the introduction on this windy Saturday! We had a few individuals come down too: Doug, a friend of David G’s came for a visit and a sail, regulars, Stephen, Paul, Ben, Bradley and Peter were also out on the water.

Our volunteers were kept busy from start to finish but it was a successful day with big smiles all round. Thank you to everyone involved!