Volunteers arrived and were greeted to a beautiful sunny morning with a good sailing breeze. Four boats were rigged and put in the water by 9.00am. Thanks to those volunteers that swept the sea weed etc off the jetty, which had washed up with the big swell and strong winds earlier in the week. Thanks also to the member from Manly Yacht Club whom replaced the damaged planks on the jetty.

Warwick, Sailing Coordinator for the day, called all volunteers together for the morning’s briefing. Sailing and pontoon duties were shared between Michael, Denis, John W, John B, Ken, John McA, Steve B, Jeremy and Helene .

David W & Brian S shared the skipper duties on Charlie’s Chariot and Eli was the support person and photographer.

Corey as always did a great job on the radio, while Wilma made sure coffee, tea & biscuits were available – and special THANKS to Wilma for the beautiful cupcakes she supplied for our volunteers this morning!

Ken went for a sail with John W just keeping him company in the good breeze. Michael & Steve also went for a solo sail while we waited for our participants to arrive.

Northside arrived at 10.00am with 4 sailors. Steve took Elise in Eli D, John W took Tarek in Dolly Wallace, and Michael took Ella in Black Swan. Northside’s carer, Kylie went on Charlie’s Chariot to view her crew sailing in the 303’s .

Sunnyfield and participants arrived at 10.15am – hot on the heels of Northside, so volunteers rigged another boat (Ralph Newman) which was in the water in 10 minutes.

Helene took Anna [she was winched into the boat] in Ralph Newman while Luke went with John W in Vin . Lockey went for a ride in Charlie’s Chariot.

Rodney went sailing with David W. in Dolly Walace. Peter also went for a spin in Charlie’s Chariot and David went sailing with Michael.

Mathew – an individual participant – went sailing with Jeremy in Black Swan.

Hanlin arrived with his carers & was soon on the water with John W in Eli D.

All boats were called in at 11:50am and all carers, participants and volunteers agreed they had had a great morning at Manly Sailability.

Boats were de-rigged, washed down and put back on the racks in the boat room, and David took Charlie’s Chariot back to the mooring and then rowed back to the pontoon.

We were a bit short of volunteers at pack up time so many thanks to those volunteers that stayed to the very end (12.55pm) to help!