What a fun Wednesday this turned out to be.

The forecast was not good, but believing we would have the 4 hour window we require, we decided to get the Hansas out and add some colour to a grey looking Manly Cove. The cloud was sitting low on the water, and the forecast wind did not come up until we were ready to pack up. There were a few drops of rain, but not enough to dampen the enthusiasm of our keen sailors from Ability Options. We were, in fact fully booked with 25 people booked from 4 different organisations. However, 3 apologised because they felt that their groups would not benefit from a day on the water when it was looking grey instead of sunny. This resulted in being able to spend the whole morning with our nine Ability Options Youth.

Our team was headed by Sailing Coordinator Extraordinaire; John P.

With John W on the radio, Helen as registrar, sailors Denis, Jeremy, Jim, Sophie, Michael, Peter. Malcolm as Pontoon Manager, and new volunteer Victor we managed the perfect Sailing Day.

Helen brought granddaughter Ellie to help. Warwick was the Support Boat Driver, with help from a couple of the Ability Options Carers with photos and other observing help.

What a wonderful time on the water had Elli, Leela, Sydney, Olivia, Shintaro, Ashley, Kanga, Alexander, Bent and Harry. Each one enjoyed the morning with lots of talk and morning tea snacks on the way.

Thanks very much to the carers of these young adults, it was a real pleasure to take them sailing.