A perfect sailing day today with a light South Westerly Breeze early in the morning brought our 4 Monday teams down to Manly for a sail.

Thanks goodness for a very energetic group of volunteers lead by John W who managed to get 5 boats out for sailors: Brian, Michaels S and B, Peter, Jim, Denis, John P.

Warwick was the Support Boat Driver, with Ken as observer, Malcolm ran the pontoon, Jackie looked after Life-jackets, Corey on the Radio, and everyone taking over jobs of rigging and then washing down and putting away at the end of the morning. Helen was the very busy registrar this morning.

Thank you so much to this very special team of Volunteers.

Congratulations to Helen and Ken who have managed to complete all of the courses in the Child Safety series, and the rest of the Volunteers who are e-learning their way through the Child Safe Standards Courses.

Groups who came down today were very impressed by the efficiency of the Volunteers, who managed to get 24 people out on Manly Cove, enjoying the calm of the water, the skill of the sailors, and the rapidly clearing cloud cover.

Michael brought his son Ollie for their first Father/Son sail, Annie brought Paul, Avenue brought Claudia, Georgia, Jessika, Kirsten, Riley, Danny, Les, James.

Aruma brought James, Kyle, Eddie.

Manda from BIRDS brought Danielle, Rosalyn, Alan, Stuart, Stephen, James, Graham, Sandra, Carlo.

Last of all were Dean and Chanel from Sargood. Not all of these people sailed, but all enjoyed the fresh air, sunshine and companionship that always happens down by the water.