Just a short report this morning about a quiet Saturday.

Our full team of volunteers comprising:
Sailing Coordinator: Nola.
Registrar: Helen.
Life jackets: Ros.
Pontoon Manager: Michael.
Sailors: John W, Warwick, Jim, David G., Denis, Jackie.
Duke of Ed students Isabella, Maddie, Ethan, David W checking and restoring the engine of Alan Wood.
Support Boat Driver: Vince.
Observer: Ken.

These people ensured that there was plenty of sailing practice for Piper, Shane, and Ben, while Stephen went in Charlie’s Chariot, and Judith went home after we discovered that lots of work needs to be done on Alan Wood before it is ready to sail again after a lay off of 3 years. Anyway, it was really nice to see Judith looking so healthy and fit, ready to tackle sailing as soon as we can organise her boat back on the water. Shane took over the controls of the boat to practice his sailing skills in the strong breeze, Piper enjoyed her first experience of sailing, and ben was his usual assured self on the water.