This morning the forecast was perfect, so we went ahead with our Sailing Day with the following restrictions because of the Covid19 scare in Sydney. People signed in at the desk, used a mask if they felt comfortable doing so. We wiped the boats down with disinfectant, and used hand-sanitiser.
I want to pay tribute to Eileen, who, before her first time as Sailing Coordinator had read through the instructions, and watched the Training Video several times, so that everything was smooth, and everyone knew what their duties were.
Thanks, Eileen, I think you enjoyed this onerous job, so it will come your way more often.
We also had a great crew putting out and rigging the boats….Warwick, John, Nola, Jim, Meriana, Nikki, Michael. Kieran was also there to give us a hand with the boats from the top racks.
Sandra made her way down to Charlies Chariot with camera in hand to practise her photographic skills, Meriana also took her phone down as back up. Wilma started sorting out the life-jackets so that her job would be easier later on.
By the time we had finished up the briefing, our first group was there, so sailors: John, Denis, Jennie, Ivan, Michael and Vince jumped into the boats and took Trevor, Alyce, James, Tonek, Shane, and James W out onto the very clear water.
Our participants arrived fairly early this morning, so we soon had Kerri, Anna, Grant, Meaghan from Washington waiting on the side. Grant has spent many years looking wistfully at sailing from the deck, as he could not pluck up enough courage to get in the boats.
Suddenly, 15 years later he has decided it is time. He is cheerfully lowered into the boats from a chair, than takes off over the water with sail power, and the smile across his whole face lights up Manly.
Then Kieran arrived, and Peter E., Fiona, Vanessa, Mattie, and Peter K. Later on, we welcomed another sailor, Helene, so that more people could go for a sail. Will and Taylor from WOTABILITY arrived and went for a pleasant sail at the end of the morning.
Thanks, Volunteers, and others who came down to enjoy the sunshine and good cheer.
Extra comments from Crosbie, who is an irregular sailor, but always excellent value when he has time to spend with us. Kerry is such a delight to sail with and Peter is a bit of a natural helmsman; he did quite a lot of steering, holding a steady upwind course and then showing off every few minutes by doing a ‘look mum, no hands!’ Young Shane was also good on the helm and thoroughly enjoyed it.

- Jennie and Tonek in Eli D
- Vince and Shane in Dolly Wallis
- Michael and Trevor in Ralph Newman
- Ivan and Alyse in Black Swan
- Anna and John in Vin
- Shane with some harbour rubbish in Alex
- Grant and Helen in Black Swan
- Helene and Fiona in Black SWan
- John and Mattie in Vin
- Peter K and Crosbie in Alex
- Getting ready for a big day
- Crosbie with a relaxed Kerri