Today was a good day for training carers for our participants, soon to return, we hope. Kel and Adam took the time to come over from Ryde Rehab so that when the time comes, they will be able to take their people sailing. Monica and Siobhan went out with a family member so that they will be able to take people out when we are able to do this.

Apart from this, Ken, Jim, Devin, John went out for the joy of sailing in the stiff northerly breeze, simply to appreciate it, and practise.

Malcolm was a wonderful Pontoon Manager, Helen a faultless registrar, Wilma, back in her space as Life-jacket lady, work now doubled as each life-jacket needs to be disinfected as it is returned. Corey was working the radio, Denis in his teaching role, David, taking the opportunity to fix and maintain, Warwick and John driving Charlie’s Chariot and training from there, with everyone practising their getting the job done while socially distancing.

A good day also for the packing up, and everything went away cleanly and neatly.

  • Devin sailing in Ralph Newman
  • Ken solo in Dolly Wallis
  • Kel, practise in Eli D
  • John, Driver for Charlie’s Chariot
  • Father and daughter, Michael and Siobhan in Dolly Wallis