What is a Macho Monday? One where everything happens in a strong, organised, efficient manner. That is what happened today at Manly, when our volunteers arrived pleasantly early and had 6 boats rigged before 9.00 a.m. so that our participants could go off for a sail with very little waiting in a queue.

Super-efficient Sailing Coordinator, John P had everyone working as a well-oiled machine, having the rigging checked and down at the pontoon, then in the water for the addition of rudder and keel.

Support Boat Driver today was John W, with co-driver, Ragnhild ready for her license now, and having undergone all of the safety training. Nola was the photographer. Tony was the radio operator, Helen the Registrar, Wilma the Life-jacket helper. Ken was the Time Keeper. Sailors: Charlie, Jennie, Abdullah, Jackie, Denis, Michael, Brian kept everything moving. Helpers on the pontoon were Alan and Donelle under the watchful eye of Malcolm. Corey, Jackie and Kath worked hard on the deck.

Alistair and Adam were first to arrive with Greg and Kerry and quickly got ready with sunscreen and ear buds to go for a sail. George arrived next, with Stephanie, and managed to have a go on both a sailing dinghy, and Charlie’s Chariot. Anna, Rosa, Rodney arrived from Sunnyfield with fabulous helper, Josh and had their turn on the water. Then Maia, Eddie, and Gwyneth went for a sail, while James sat on the wheelchair and wished his leg would get better so that he can go for a sail next time.

Last group to arrive was BIRDS. Steve first, with Bella, then Carlo, Danielle, May, Patrick, Peter, Denise, Brad, Jimmy, Alan, Stuart and Pete. All of these had a good sail, and enjoyed their morning thoroughly.

Point of interest this morning, was when Patrick from BIRDS managed the steering of the dinghy all the way back into the pontoon with very little instruction from his sailor.

Everything was put away in double quick time, making it a very lovely day for all.

  • Jennie and Alistair in Black Swan
  • Ken and Michael in Alex
  • Abdullah and George in Ralph Newman
  • Denis and Eddie in Woody
  • May and carer in Charlie’s Chariot