This was the best day for sailing for several months. The temperature was mild, and the breeze a pleasant 7 to 10 knots changing direction from due south to a south westerly later in the morning.

Unfortunately not many people took advantage of this, so we had a small number of participants who were able to enjoy a good long sail, with exciting moments when there were a few gusts.

Our team of volunteers slightly outnumbered the participants, making it a fairly easy day for everyone.

Sailing Coordinator: David W carried it out his role in his usual relaxed, but in control style; Scott was in charge of the Pontoon, Tony on the radio with assistance from Georgia, Helen was the Registrar, Wilma on Life-jackets, Ken the photographer. Sailors: Ivan, Abdullah, Charlie, Raghnild, Vince, Michael, Denis kept things moving, with David, Nikki, Maleea helping on the pontoon, Claire, Helene, Helen helping up on deck. John W was the Charlie’s Chariot driver. Ollie was a wonderful help on the deck and on the pontoon at the end of the day.

Judith arrived for her usual sail around Manly Cove, and freedom from her chair. Unfortunately, after we had organised her into Alan Wood with the controls working, her switch developed a fault caused by corrosion. After an exciting but embarrassing few minutes of Alan Wood being out of control, Charlie’s Chariot came along side, took her in tow, and brought her back to the pontoon. Quickly, Judith was lifted into her wheelchair, David had the switch out and tested with the multi-meter. This will be fixed by the next time we sail.

Alan also had an exciting morning. He went out fairly early and gave a wonderful display of control in North Harbour, sailing between buoys, up the wind, around the buoy, down the wind for about an hour, then decided to sail back across the ferry lane doing really well. Suddenly, a gust caught him as he came past the Skiff Club, which he promptly attempted to demolish. Fortunately, he was able to manoeuvre himself out of trouble and come back to our pontoon without any injury to person, boat or Skiff Club deck.

Our Sargood team arrived to take their guests for a sail. Jeremy, Andrew, Ken, John and Lynne waited their turn and had a pleasant sail across the bay, chatting all the time to their sailors. Then Mattie arrived with helper Jenny, shook hands with everyone on deck, and went off for his sail.

Danny also had a great sail with Denis while Mum and 2 little sisters waited for him on the deck.

Our wonderful guests, Andy and Anne from the UK had a great time chatting to people on the deck and did not have time for a sail. They have invited us all to visit them at Wolverhampton next time anyone is in the UK.

  • Raghnild, Sydney and Camden testing the water.
  • Denis and Georgia in Woody
  • Vince and Ken in Ralph Newman
  • Alan in Clea