We had a very strong team today, with some very experienced sailors among us, so we decided to go ahead with sailing in spite of the forecast of strong winds, and be ready to abandon sailing if it became necessary.

Our most efficient Sailing Coordinator was Ken, with Warwick and Eli on Charlie’s Chariot, pontoon manager, Brian, sailors Denis, Michael, John, Ragnhild, Sasha, Ted, Hugo. We were very honoured to have Sasha and Hugo on board, having a break from their training, school and work duties.

Helen was the registrar, Wilma and Ros handled the lifejackets. Corey used the radio.

New volunteers Tony, Nola, Harry, Danelle, Ben, Allison learnt the ropes of helping on the pontoon and deck, and putting away at the end of the day.

There were some moments of wild seas, that our participant sailors thoroughly enjoyed, but we did have to abandon before we had quite finished giving them all a sail, as it was just too wild and woolly.

Scott, Vanessa, Kane, Chrissie, Peter had a wonderful sailing experience, but Rodney, Charlie, Steven and Margaret chose to sight see in Charlie’s Chariot.

Although we had to finish early, all agreed that it was a very successful day.

  • John Allison in Vin
  • Tony, Ragnhild in Eli D
  • Hugo Danelle in Woody
  • Charlie, Steve in Charlie’s Chariot
  • Mark and helper