Congratulations to our exceptional volunteers who made today such an incredible day.
Sailing Coordinator: Jenny
Pontoon Manager: Steve
Charlie’s Chariot Driver: Brian
Sailors: Rob, John P, John B, Warwick, Raghnild, Malcolm, Michael, Jim, David.
Radio Operator and Time Keeper: Corey
Registrar: Helen
Life-jackets: Wilma
Help up on deck and on the pontoon: Ros, Sheila, Denis, Helene.

And most of all to Ken, whom we needed upstairs to check on the kids who used the bathroom upstairs, as the steps were unable to be used, so the kids needed to do a 50m hike to get to the bathroom. Thanks, Ken, a boring job, but essential in the circumstances.

Slideshow of Riley , Malachi  and Nikalaos on Charly’s Chariot. Mia with John on Alex, Isaac  with Rob on Eli D, Charles on Dolly Wallis with Malcolm, Jekobi on Dolly Wallis with Malcolm, Michael with group member in Woody and John on CC.

Thanks also to the carers of the participants who were there today. You braved the forecast, which was unsailable, to have a most pleasant experience on Manly Cove. Carmel from Dee Why, and Qian and Russell from St Ives.

Best of all were the smiles on the participants: Isaac, Charles, Sienna, who lost her hat and had it returned by some miracle seamanship from Brian, Melissa, who may not be able to see well, but she certainly knows how to show her enjoyment. Then Mia, Soraya, Nikolaas, Riley, Jekobi, Felix, Oliver, Lowanna, Jade, Dolkar, Malachi, Jed.

Then: Oliver, John, Kath, Jimmy Elias and Leesa from St Ives.

An extra at Sailability today was the seal, maybe the same one who was the signature at the Invictus Games in October, who kept surfacing near the boats, keeping the kids excited and involved, but unfortunately too quick to grab a photo.