After waking, looking out the window and checking the dire weather apps and forecasts most Sailability helpers were amazed to find that sailing was “ proceeding today as planned “.
Undaunted (but highly sceptical) we responded to Warwick’s optimism and soon had four of our finest rigged and ready for action. Two lovely girls from Royal Far West arrived and were most excited about their first-ever sail. They were followed by
three more newbies from Sargood (or is it Sergood??) . These spinal injury patients were delighted to swap their wheel chairs for our Hansa boats for an exciting sail in some quite gusty conditions.
Our final sailor was Hanlin who was as enthusiastic as usual.
So…. six very happy customers and our usual happy bunch of helpers.

P.S. Warwick has denied the rumour that he has been requested to assist the BOM with their future weather forecasts.