With a predicted max of 27 C, a good breeze of 20-22 kph from the NE Manly Yacht Club Sailability was the place to be. Not just for the opportunity to get out onto the best waterway in the world and share it take our friends and others with varying ability on this Rembrance Day but to reflect with gratitude with the salt water ,sun and wind on our faces the sacrifice of those who went before us to pave the way for us to enjoy this wonderful country we call Australia.
With an expected turn up of 25 participants and swag of volunteers everything was set for a wonderful day of sailing.
The deck was a hive of activity not just with Sailability but a fleet of Laser sailors and participants of the Manly Sailing School.
All our boats were rigged and as usual the amazing team work of the volunteers provided a seamless day of sailing albeit with the occasional rescue and support from Charlies Chariot ably skippered by Jim conducting numerous tows and keeping everyone safe.
One of the signs of a great team is performing. Tasks are carried out often without a great deal of instruction but embedded communication and this is so evident on the deck and on the water at Manly Sailability.
As usual the Registrar table and refreshments were managed by Helen and Wilma. This is such a vital role and the first point of contact for those visitors coming to our sailing day.
Helene was certainly the command centre hub on the radio on this day with excellent management and direction of the boats on the water and volunteers on the pontoon ensuring that all participants were provided a wonderful experience.
A highlight of the day was the one minute silence at 11am when all those on the deck ceased their activity and boats on the water hove to reflect and honour those men and women who have paid the ultimate price over all the wars to protect the values of this country of ours. Lest We Forget.
Thank you to very one who attended on this day.
A great effort supported by the sponsors and volunteers both on and off the water. A dedicated team brought together simply to be of service to others.