With just 12 volunteers and 25 keen participants eager to sail, it was a lively and enjoyable morning at Sailability.

We had groups from Northside, Avenue, Sunnyfield and Arranounbai, as well as individual clients such as Hanlin, who really loves his sailing days.

On the deck Corey doubled up as Radio operator and Sailing Day Co-ordinator,

while Wilma fitted life jackets with her usual care and concern,

We had 5 boats out, skippered by Dennis, Michael and David Webb, Jeremy, Brian, and John Weaver. Sailing conditions were good and our clients returned full of smiles.

Warwick and Ken were kept busy on Charlie’s chariot while the whirlwind, down on the pontoon, was Eli catching ropes, helping and winching people in and out of boats,

giving assistance where ever it was needed, ably supported by members free at the time.

Another very successful morning at Manly Sailability!