We couldn’t have asked for better sailing weather today. It was sunny with a moderate but steady Westerly breeze and all the volunteers agreed the conditions were perfect.
Jeremy was SDC and Michael M managed the pontoon and between them they co-ordinated a seamless day of sailing. Our team of sailors included Denis, Sandy, Steve, John W, David W, Vince, and Clare, who all felt very lucky to be sailing in such great weather!

Warwick skippered Charlie’s Chariot with Ken as observer/photographer, while Helen managed registrations with Wilma helping and coordinating refreshments and lifejackets. Eli taught everyone how to use our brand new slings and then managed radios. Isabella, Nola, Michael B, and Victoria helped participants in and out of boats on the pontoon.

We had a great turnout of participants, including Leonie who arrived first and went out with John W in Dolly Wallis, which coordinated perfectly with her purple jacket. Sophie and Elinor came from Sunnyfield and sailed while Rodney went for a ride on Charlie’s Chariot. Paul, Mitch, and Sam came from Sargood, and it was Mitch’s first time sailing. When Clare handed him the controls, he took to it like he’d been doing it for years! We also had visits from Ben, Joshua, and Shari, who all had a great time out on the water.

Our team of volunteers packed everything away in record time, and went off to enjoy the afternoon sunshine. Many thanks to all involved in making it a wonderful morning!