A strong westerly wind of 15 knots brought white caps to Manly Cove this morning, and sadly meant that conditions were too rough to take participants out on the water. However, our fearless volunteers saw a prime opportunity for some training! We practiced getting our Hansas into the water over the side of the dock instead of the end, which a Westerly makes difficult, and several of our bravest sailors took to the water to test themselves against the gusts. John W, Denis, Jim, Jeremy, Steve, David G, Michael B, Ivan and Clare were all out sailing, and all ended up pretty damp from wave spray! Warwick and Ken kept a watchful eye from Charlie’s Chariot, while Helen, Wilma, Joe and Nola kept things in order on the dock.
We had a special visit from John W’s young granddaughters – Gigi and Sophia – with their mum, dad, and grandmother, Kerry. Gigi and Sophia have clearly inherited the sailing bug and couldn’t wait to get out on the water with John despite the conditions, and took turns sailing and riding in Charlie’s Chariot.
Thank you to everyone who attended and made the most out of the blustery day.