Wonderful news for everyone… our groups are all learning to book by email, and this morning we were fully booked at least 10 days previously. Thanks, Group organisers, it makes everything run more smoothly than the old system.

Also, good news, Northern Beaches Council has renewed the mini-bus parking tickets all the way up to August, 2023.

We thank them hugely for this convenience.

Our team arrived bright and early, realising that we had 21 participants booked in, so we needed 6 Hansas on the water in readiness for the first group.

Sailing Coordinator Extraordinaire, Warwick was there early setting things up.

Boats were rigged, checked and launched by Denis, Ragnhild, Nola, John P, Peter, Joe, Brian, Michael.

John W went across to retrieve Charlie’s Chariot from her mooring, having been repaired early last week.

Helen sat at the registration table ready for work after setting up the morning tea.

Eileen, the photographer arrived with Michael, and in no time at all, the boats were in the water. Sailors Denis, Ragnhild, John P, Peter, David took some of our learner sailors out for a practice while we waited for the first group, and we were all ready to commence sailing when our first group, Avenue pulled up.

Holly, Jess, Georgia, Riley, Kirsty, Les, Danny went off for a sail, helped into the boats by Pontoon Manager, Malcolm.
Nola helped with Life-jackets and Joe was extremely helpful and in demand with the hoist.

The Aruma Group arrived next cut to just 3 by illness. Paul went off with Jeremy, and James and Eddie followed in the bright sunshine, fresh air, and calming northerly breeze.

Georgia is truly excited about her fundraising efforts for Avenue next week, and brought some photos of the items she would like to sell, including some small cakes and slices she has helped to make.

Jess could not wipe the smile off her face, as she returned to Sailability for the first time in many years.

Thank you Avenue for providing this opportunity.

The last group to arrive had given the previous groups plenty of time on the water. BIRDS arrived with helper Manda.

Danielle took off solo, Carlo, Sandra, Graham, and James followed, while Stuart and Rosalyn sat in the sun and watched.

A truly beautiful day for Sailability.