An excited group of helpers arrived at MYC this morning, ready to get boats out to give our first sail of the year every effort. Everyone signed on and had temperatures taken, and signed in the Covid Safe App. When this was done, boats were taken from the Boat Room. Rob, Wilma, Helen, Ragnhild, Warwick, were busy getting boats out and rigged as the rest of the group appeared. Denis was not feeling well, so boats were checked by Malcolm. Warwick collected Charlie’s Chariot keys and went to pick her up at the mooring, boats were launched, a quick briefing about care needed with ferries, the importance of staying in area, interest in Australia Day Regatta and we were ready to go. Helen and Wilma were left with the registering, taking of temperatures, and Life-Jacket positions, and Corey was in charge of the radio.

Ivan hopped into Eli D and went for a solo sail, Rob jumped in with Ben, John with Kieran, Malcolm with Peter,

Ragnhild with Nola, Michael with Eileen. Warwick went in Charlie’s Chariot, accompanied by Eli taking photos on this dull, breezy day. This group had an extended sail, as we were waiting for our group from Hornsby. This group, Sahara, arrived with 5 helpers and managed a beautiful parking spot close enough to walk down to us.

We have not seen this group before, but they thoroughly enjoyed their sailing in the brisk breeze. They were also caught in a quick shower before returning to the pontoon thoroughly wet. All of this group really loved their sailing which unfortunately because of the rain was cut short.

It was a quick job to get everything away because of the new trolleys which enable items to be put away efficiently.

  • Mal and Peter in Eli D.
  • Michael and Eileen in Dolly Wallis