Not another cancellation on a Wednesday, it couldn’t possibly be too windy again today!!

But it was. We decided to make good use of Charlie’s Chariot, seeing that the wind was too strong for a regular sailing day. First of all, Jim had a trial with Jake, but they soon discovered that waves were breaking into the boat, and that it was a very uncomfortable ride. Maggie, Ruby and Tiffany hopped into Charlie’s Chariot after being dressed up in protective clothing and had a great time flying over the waves, with the occasional splash over the side. They returned and we took Jake and his mate for their turn.

Arranounbai arrived just as they were finishing, so we decided to continue with the same routine. Jatin, Joe, Zoe, Sarah, Matthieu, Riley, Willem had their turn, absolutely loving the experience, as did the teachers who accompanied them.

Slideshow of Maggie, Ruby, Tiffany, Joe, Willem, Matthieu, Jatin and teacher, Rob and Liz. Scott, Toby and James.

We gave the same experiences to Jack and Chelsea from Because We Care, then Rhian, Mahaina, Melvie, Anna, Georgia, Ellen and Adrian from Unisson French’s Forest.

Lastly, we took Ross, Rob, Scott, Toby, and Charley from Pymble and Turramurra Unisson Groups.

We didn’t need a large crew to manage this event, but were very happy to see John, Helen, Byron, Corey, Ivan, Jim, Denis, Warwick, Brian, John B, Michael, Eli and Helene front up on a very windy day to check the Invictus boats for damage that needs fixing, check the riggings and furling systems, and then meekly put the boats away, beaten by the wind.

Hopefully, things will be better next time we have a Wednesday sail.