Another perfect day for sailors and participants alike, with a very light south westerly breeze, calm waters and sunny skies.
Once again we had a wonderful turnout of volunteers and, with a large number of bookings all seven Hansas were rigged and ready for our guests. Craig from the Royal Far West Home arrived early with Pippa, Javantae, Daisy and Zayn and they were quickly on the water with our sailors Michael S, John P, Denis and Jonathon.
Jeremy was sailing co-ordinator for the day, with Helen efficiently managing the registrations and Ken and David helping out with getting the guests ready to sail. As usual Corey maintained a precise sailing schedule and radio communications and Charlie’s Chariot, with Warwick as skipper and Eli as observer, maintained the safety on the water.
Next to arrive were Fisher Road and Tayla and Logan went sailing with Ragnhild and Michael B however Alfie preferred to ride in Charlie’s Chariot with his carer Sandy. They were followed by Northside, with Tarek, James, Craig, Ella and Alyse.
Clea was also rigged and Ivan had a great sail, reaching back and forth in the light south-westerly breeze. Brian, Peter, Michael and Wolfie efficiently managed the comings and goings of the boats on the dock, with assistance from John P and John M, while John W snapped photos of all the action.
Later in the morning our Patron and Northern Beaches Mayor, Michael Reagan dropped in to wish Eli well and thank her for her years of dedicated service to Manly Sailability. He then went for a spin around the harbour in Charlie’s Chariot with Warwick, Eli and Jenny.
Lastly Simone and Hanlin arrived and had a sail with Michael B and Ragnhild, who had to battle her way from the dock through a flotilla of kayaks (speed humps).
With two booking cancellations we had fewer participants than expected and the morning was less hectic than we anticipated, and thanks to the efficiency and dedication of our great volunteer group, the day went off without a hitch, and was very enjoyable for all involved.