This morning was an absolute joy!!

Our wonderful team all arrived early for the rigging, and by 9.15, when we were expecting out first group, Arranounbai, all seven Hansas were standing in a row on the pontoon.

To our delight, Arranounbai sent their seniors, who we have known for several years…and they are all grown up now, some almost ready to leave school.

Archie, Rylee, Hannah, Isabella loved their sail and took advantage of the perfect weather. Kai, unfortunately, became too excited, leading to an episode, so needed to be picked up by his family.

Avenue and Sargood arrived at the same time, around 45 minutes later, so James, David (from Sargood), George, Claudia, Kirsty, Danny, Paula, and Emily had a sail. Paulo opted for a ride on the Support Boat with helper, Natalie.

Andrew arrived with Kel, from Royal Rehab, and went off for his sail, while his wife and 2 little kids watched from the shore.

Later on the Avenue group from Parramatta arrived after a mammoth trip across Sydney by Public Transport….train, ferry, walk, and a repeat of this to go home after Sailability is finished. Jake, Will and Jess enjoyed their sail and expect to be exhausted by the time they get home this evening.

Our generous group of volunteers this morning were:
Sailing Coordinator Extraordinaire: Peter.
Warwick on Charlie’s Chariot with Photographer, Ken.
Sailors: Denis, Michael, Jonathan, Rob, Brian, Jim, John, Malcolm, Jeremy, Ragnhild and Wolf.
Helen was the ultra hard working Registrar, Pontoon manager swapped between Michael and Brian, and life-jackets were organise by the carers, as well as people waiting for their turn in the Hansas.
Thanks also to Jay, who is learning the ropes, and giving us more help each time he comes down.