Our extra wonderful volunteer team for today was just incredible.

First of all they all believed my weather forecast for Manly from whatever storm centre they were living in at the time….and the forecast was fine for Manly, with torrential rain streaming down in neighbouring suburbs. Thanks so much for that, we ended up with a wonderful morning sailing in the lightest of breezes, and we had enough hands to have 7 boats on the water.

Peter, in charge of the day, channelled up his super powers and directed from all over the place. John P was Pontoon Manager. Not an easy job today with one hoist for 5 lifting participants.

Charlie’s Chariot crew was David and John W, deck crew Ken, Brian, Eli, Helen, Corey shared radio, life-jacket, registry, Parking Permit duties.

Michael S went for a sailing lesson then helped on the pontoon. Our busy sailors were Jeremy, Peter, Denis, Michael, Steve, Jim, Jono.
Seven boats, seven sailors, no rest.

The people who had a wonderful time, either bobbing around close to the pontoon, or chasing the breeze out on the open water were: Dennis, Wade, Ben, Edgar, Sam, Riley, James, Emily, Tamara, Sue, David, Hanlin, Adonis, Rodney, Peter, Anna and Zoe.

Thanks so much to the people who came from the community, with their helpers, Sally, Pam, Georgia, Betty, Ashief.

A class from Fisher Rd Special School with teacher and helper Sue and Sandy. A very special mention about these 4 small children who were terrified last time, but bravely overcame their fears this time to take lots of pleasure from their time on the water.
Sunnyfield: Travers, Joshua, Keirle, Barbara, Tomoko.

Thanks so much for your help and patience.