This was a great sailing day !!!!


The weather forecast was forbidding, but we managed to have the best day yet out on the water at Manly Cove.


New helpers Chris, Lianne, Jean, Lynne helped us put the boats out and rig them, so that by 9.30 we were ready to start sailing. The breeze was a pleasant north-westerly, at about 10 knots, making for a little fun, and a fast ride. With Eli in charge on the day, Barry as Boat Operations Manager, Kevin on the pontoon, Ralph in the Support Boat with Niamh as observer, we were a little shortstaffed until a few late-comers arrived. Sailors Ivan, Ray, David Goldner, Samantha started the ball rolling, then Helene and a little later, Crosbie took their turn. In the mean-time, Alice took photos, Tony helped on the pontoon, Marie cooked lunch, Megan was the registrar, and Barry was being the Jack of All Trades, filling in for all jobs.


After their sail, Chris and Lianne became life-jacket helpers and the day was set to take Maureen, Kate, Robbie, Oscar, Jon, Jonathon and Alan out for a sail. Some interesting new sailors also tried us out today. I am sure Oscar and Miles are thrilled with the idea of sailing, as is Robbie, who will also be a steady volunteer as she lives close by. Takeshi took Ricky on his lap, and wife Hitomi took Lisa. The smiles on this family were something to be treasured, and they will also be back for more.


Susan, Robert and Ben arrived from Balmoral House, Robert enjoying his sailing, and Susan and Ben the ride in the Support Boat. Rap’nRave brought Bart, Shane, Rodney, Joxara, Daniel and Mark. These young men all had a whale of a time in their boats.


Last group, a new group from Catholic Care brought Chloe, Jarvis, Aman, Daniel, Charlie, with carers Carrie, Penny, Victor, Brendon and Evan. Some of these doubled up with carer and participant in the same boat, while some sailed with one of our helpers.


Philip came down later for a sail in Alan Wood with the Manly Juniors, but the wind proved too strong, so he went home with a disappointed look on his face with Dad. Judy also came down for her final good-byes. We will miss her from sailing days.


I can’t wait to see the pictures, as there will be many, many smiles among them. Thanks to all the helpers, old and new. We are certainly looking forward to some training days as the weather improves into Spring.